Wednesday 9 May 2012

How To Estimate Another Website's Traffic?

I used to think that estimating another website's traffic was impossible if one did not have access to its raw data.

I noticed several free online services ready to suggest numbers. I took some time to check them and their data. I found the data results to be 3 times as high as the lowest data for a given URL. This was quite frustrating. Pretty useless and unreliable.

Fortunately, after a lot of research, I found which has a solid source of real user data. It provides a good statistical estimation of unique visitors per month. The only drawback is that it only focuses on U.S. population. But, it is still a very good start (probably the best estimator).

Recently, I also found Google's AdPlanner which provides great monthly data in addition to demographic data. It seems like you need a Google account to access it.

For daily page views and unique visitors, I used to found StatShow to be more or less realistic and a bit on the conservative side. But, recent tests with some blogs I own now show completely false and unrealistic results. It is out of my list.

If you know a free online tool which is more reliable, please put a comment and I will add the link to this post.

More free online web tools (best of) here.

1 comment:

  1. Good Post. I am really like the links you have provided to use and estimate the traffic.
