Sunday 11 November 2012

The Authenticated User Concept In Spring Security

A user, in the Spring Security context, is an instance of a class implementing the UserDetails interface. One can use it to check whether:
  • the user account is expired or locked
  • the user is enabled or not
  • credentials are expired or not
As a reminder, authentication requests are managed by an authentication manager delegating these to authentication providers. The laters can be used to authenticate authentication requests.

By default, Spring configures a DaoAuthenticationProvider instance, and registers it in the default authentication manager. The main purpose of this provider is to let software developers choose the way they want to store UserDetails by setting an object implementing UserDetailsService. Such services have one function: load a user's details from its name. That's it! It can be a database, an in-memory database, etc...

If you want to implement your own UserDetailsService, Marc Serrano has provided a detailed example using a JPA Repository which eliminates a lot of the boiler-plate code. Such repositories are part of the Spring JPA Data features.

To implement a customized user and corresponding persistence, see the example available here.

More Spring related posts here.

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