Monday 14 October 2013

Creating An OpenShift Web/Spring Application From The Command Line

OpenShift offers online functionalities to create applications, but this can also be achieved from command line with the RHC Client Tool. For windows, you will first need to install RubyGems and Git. The procedure is straightforward.

Git SSL Communication 

OpenShift requires SSL communication between local Git repositories and the corresponding server repositories. Generating SSH Keys for TortoiseGit on windows can be tricky, but this post tells you how to achieve this.


From time to time, run the following commands for RubyGems and RHC updates:

> gem update --system
> gem update rhc

Creating the Spring application

Under Windows, open a cmd windows and go to the directory where you want to create the application. Assuming you want to call it mySpringApp, run the following command:

> rhc app create mySpringApp jbosseap-6

The application will be automatically created and the corresponding Git repository will be cloned locally in your directory.

'Unable to clone your repository.'

If you encounter the above error, you will need to clone the Git repository manually. Assuming that TortoiseGit for Windows has been installed properly and that you have generated your SSL keys for Git properly, right-click on the directory where you want to clone the Git repository:

OpenShift git cloning manually

Enter the SSL URL in the first field (you can find itL under 'My Applications' in OpenShift). Make sure you check Load Putty Key and that the directory points at you .ppk file.

This solution has been made available on StackOverflow too.

Making it a Spring Application

To transform the above application into a Spring application, follow instructions available here.

If you cannot execute Git from the command line, it is most probably not in the classpath. You will need to add it and open a new command line window.

That's it, you are ready to go. Open the application in your favorite IDE. Don't forget to (Git) push the application to make it accessible from its OpenShift URL.

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