Saturday 26 September 2015

Explain React Concepts & Principles, Because I Am Not A UI Specialist

I have been reading React's documentation, but found it to take too many shortcuts regarding the descriptions of concepts and how they related to each other to understand the whole picture. It is also missing a description of the principles it relies on. Not everyone is already a top-notch Javascript UI designer. This post is an attempt to fill the gaps. I am assuming you know what HTML, CSS and Javascript are.

What Issues Does React Try To Solve?

Designing sophisticated user interfaces using HTML, CSS and Javascript is a daunting task if you write all the Javascript code by yourself to display, hide or update parts of the screens dynamically. A lot of boilerplate code is required, which is a hassle to maintain. Another issue is screen responsiveness. Updating the DOM is a slow process which can impact user experience negatively.

React aims at easing the burden of implementing views in web applications. It increases productivity and improves the user experience.

React Concepts & Principles

React uses a divide and conquer approach using components. In fact, they could be called screen components. They are similar to classes in Object Oriented Programming. It's a unit of code and data specialized in the rendering of a screen part. Developing each component separately is an easy task, and the code can be easily maintained. All React classes and elements are implemented using Javascript.

Classes & Components

With React, you will create React classes and then instantiate React elements using these classes. React components can use other React components in a tree structure (just like the DOM structure is a tree structure too). Once an element is created, it is mounted (i.e. attached) to a node of the DOM, for example, to a div element having a specific id. The React component tree structure does not have to match the DOM structure.

No Templates

If you have developed HTML screens using CSS, it is likely you have used templates to render the whole page or parts of it. Here is something fundamentally different in React: it does not use templates. Instead, each component contains some data (i.e., state) and a method called render(). This method is called to draw or redraw the parts of the screen it is responsible for. You don't need to compute which data lines were already displayed in a table (for example), which should be updated, which should be deleted, etc... React does it for you in an efficient way and update the DOM accordingly.

State & Previous State

Each component has a state, that is, a set of keys and values, also called properties. It is possible to access the current state with this.state. When a new state is set, the render() method is called automatically to compute parts of the screen which have to be updated. This is extremely useful when JSON data is fetched with an Ajax. You just need to set it in corresponding React components and let React perform screen updates.

JSX & Transpilation

Creating a tree of React UI components using Javascript means writting lengthy-ish code which may not always be very readable. React introduces JSX which is something between XML/HTML and Javascript. It provides a mean to create UI component trees with concise code. Using JSX is not mandatory.

On the downside, JSX need to be translated into some React-based Javascript code. This process is called transpiling (as opposed to compilation) and can be achieved with Babel. It is possible to preprocess (i.e., pre-transpile) JSX code on the server side and only deliver pure HTML/CSS/Javascript pages to the browser. However, the transpilation can also happen on the user side. The server sends HTML/CSS/Javascript/JSX pages to the browser, and the browser transpiles the JSX before the page is displayed to the user.

That's it! You can now dive into React's documentation. I suggest starting with Thinking In React. It provides the first steps to design and implement React screens in your applications. I hope this post has eased the React learning curve!

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