It is a not a substitute to reading the official documentation, especially the Spring security appendix describing the nuts and bolts of configuration elements. The Spring security 3 book is also helping connecting dots between concepts.
- Authentication and Access Authorization – The main philosophy of Spring security is first to authenticate users, then to check their access credentials to resources. This is performed via a set of filters.
- Annotation based configuration – So far, there is no such thing as Java based configuration with Spring security. Everything is based on XML configuration. You will not get rid of security.xml with Java programmatic configuration.
- <servlet-name>-security.xml – One must specify the location of the security configuration XML file either in the contextConfigLocation parameter value (*) of web.xml or, if one uses configuration annotations, it can be imported with @ImportResource (**).
- web.xml – One must configure the Spring security filter chain in the web.xml file (***) together with a filter mapping configuration to enable the Spring security.
- Security Annotations - It is possible to enable JSR-250 annotations or Spring's @Secured annotations. Typically, these are used on services objects for access control.
- Access Decision Manager – Decides whether a user can access a resource or not.
- Authentication Manager – It processes authentication requests via child authentication providers.
- Authentication Provider – Depending on its accepted types of authentication requests, it processes them for approval or not.
- Delegating Filter Proxy – A servlet filter capturing every user requests and sending them to the configured security filters to make sure access is authorized.
- Principal – Represents anyone authenticated.
- Provider Manager – An authentication manager instance processing authentication request through a list of authentication providers.
- Security Context – A user's secured authenticated session. It is stored in a security context repository.
- Session Authentication Strategy – Should a user have a session? Should we retrieve any existing ones? Should we automatically create one at each login? How many sessions can a user have? What about timeout? What's the strategy for session handling?
General Scheme
For a secured page, the general functional behavior of Spring security is the following:- A user makes a request for a secured page.
- The configured Authentication Manager checks the user credentials.
- If necessary, the user provides them (for example, login and password).
- If the credentials are not validated successfully, access to the page is refused.
- The configured Access Decision Manager then makes sure the identified user has the right to access the page (i.e. has proper authority).
- If the authority is not established, access to the page is refused.
- Else, the page is displayed.
Security Filters
Every user requests pass through a set of filters. The Authentication Manager and the Access Decision Manager are both filters, functionally speaking. When auto-config is enabled, a set of defaut Spring security filters is automatically configured.Here is how user queries are processed in more details:
- When a user makes a request, Spring loads its security context.
- If the user's request URL is the logout URL (by default /j_spring_security_logout), the user is logged out.
- If the user's request URL is an authentication form submission (by default /j_spring_security_check
), an attempt to authenticate the user is performed.
- If no login page is configured, a default login page is displayed (if the user is not authenticated yet).
- Checks whether the request has an Authorization header. If yes, user name and password is extracted for authentication. If authentication is successful, it is registered in the security context.
- Assuming a user was trying to access a page requiring authentication, this step retrieves the original request to that page, if the authentication is successful.
- The user request is wrapped together with the security context into a single object.
- If the user has not been authenticated successfully so far, it is flagged as anonymous.
- If the user has been authenticated, the session authentication strategy is applied.
- Any
thrown by any of the above are handled here. - Delegation of authorization and access control decisions to an access decision manager.
Security Namespace
Spring security is defined in an XML document, just like maven configuration is defined in a pom.xml file. It has a namespace (i.e., a set of XML tag elements) which can be used to activate or configure Spring security features. Again, read the Spring security appendix to learn about these in details. It is a must to understand Spring Security.Some of its main elements are:
- <html auto-config='true'> - It is the parent element of web related configuration elements. It creates the filter chain proxy bean called springSecurityFilterChain for security. It has an auto-config attribute, which can be set to install the default Spring security configuration elements.
- <access-denied-handler> - Can be used to set the default error page for access denials.
- <intercept-url pattern="/**" access="ROLE_USER"> - This element creates a relationship between a set of URLs and the required access role to visit these pages.
- requires-channel - This is an <intercept-url> attribute which can be used to require the usage of https to access a set of URLs (i.e., secured channels).
- <form-login> - Can be used to define the login page URL, the URL for login processing, the target URL after login, the login failure URL, etc...
- <remember-me> - If a user is not authenticated, and 'remembered' information about the user is available (for example, from a cookie), it will be used.
- <session-management> and <concurrency-control> - To implement session management strategies.
- <logout> - To configure the default logout page.
- <http-firewall> - To implement a firewall filter.
- <authentication-manager> - A required configuration element. It creates a provider manager. The child elements are <authentication-provider>.
- <authentication-provider> - Can be used to create an in-memory authentication provider. The children <user-service> and <user> elements can be used to define user login-password combinations. Other types of authentication providers can be configured too.
- <password-encoder> - If the users' login and password are stored in a database (for example), one can use this configuration element to specify how the password should be encrypted.
For a concrete Spring Security example, click here • More Spring related posts here.
REM: This blog does not cover all Spring Security features. Topics such as: password encryption, storage of credentials, 'Remember Me', SSL connections, sophisticated access control, OpenID, LDAP, Client Certificate Authentication in the Spring Security 3 book in details.
<context-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value> /WEB-INF/myApp-security.xml </param-value> </context-param>
@Configuration @ImportResource("classpath:my/package/security.xml") public class ApplicationConfig { // ... }
<filter> <filter-name>springSecurityFilterChain</filter-name> <filter-class>org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy</filter-class> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>springSecurityFilterChain</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping>
Thank you very much.. its very help.. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks! Short, sweet, to the point. And thanks for the ref links!